vineri, 28 noiembrie 2008

Discover Romania!

duminică, 16 noiembrie 2008

Somewhere over the sea... after a sky trip!

In the summer of 2007 i had the chance to discover other worlds. The first ... a lovely experience in the soft and fluffy clouds! People who say that they will never travel by plane don't know what they are missing. Even the turbulences made the trip more amazing by increasing the adrenalin.

The destination ... an exotic place which is continuously developing - Antalya, Turkey. The most amazing landscape consisted in the old hotels, the new ones and the enormous number of hotels that were being built. The tourism was rising with an unbelievable rate.
One of the places i visited was Pamukkale or the "Cotton Castle". The words are just not enough to describe the place, it speaks for it self. Enjoy!

marți, 4 noiembrie 2008

A dream in a Bubble!

Photographer : Munteanu Suzana
Model: Diaconu Sebi
Place: Mud Volcanoes, Romania

Un loc in care turismul e doar un vis ! De ce? Incerc de ceva vreme sa raspund la aceasta intrebare. Am ajuns doar la alte intrebari. De ce un loc ca Pamukkale (Turcia), care se aseamana din multe puncte de vedere, este considerat o minune a naturii si mii de oameni din intreaga lume impanzesc locul in fiecare zi? De ce un potential evident nu-l vede nimeni? De ce trec turisti straini pe DN 10 ce leaga Buzaul de Brasov si nu se opresc sa vada un loc impresionant? Multi descriu regiunea ca fiind o regiune de pe luna. Daca oameii vor sa mearga pe luna, nu inseamna ca ar vrea sa vada si acest loc?

Cat % din potentialul turistic al Romaniei este folosit?